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In 2024, our agency conducted a study on the psychographic segmentation of consumers aged 18+ in several Central Asian and Caucasus countries. We identified key groups across various segments and formulated recommendations for their use in marketing strategies.
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Media Consumption in Georgia is an initiative-based comprehensive study conducted as part of the “Beside 2024” project, which our company regularly implements. The goal of the study is to analyze the behavior and consumption habits of the population in relation to services and products.
Below are the key trends in media consumption across various channels.
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Home care products are an essential part of our daily lives.
Among these products, the importance index is highest for disinfectants, laundry detergents, soap, and dishwashing liquids, indicating that price plays a critical role in these categories.
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Today, we are excited to share important data indicating a significant increase in interest in coffee in Georgia.
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