What is Artificial Intelligence (AI): Different Perspectives on the Technology of the Future Among Georgian Citizens

earth Georgia
September 05, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a key topic in high-tech and scientific research. However, despite its popularity, people’s understanding of what this term actually means varies greatly. A recent survey among Georgian citizens showed that society perceives AI in different ways, with views of technical, futuristic and ethical perspectives.

Analyzing the Environment and Task Completion — The Modern Understanding of AI

The largest share of respondents (34%) in Georgia believes that artificial intelligence consists of systems that can analyze their environment and follow programmed instructions to accomplish specific tasks. This definition closely aligns with the modern concept of AI, which focuses on the ability of algorithms and machines to learn and adapt based on data. Examples of such systems are found everywhere, from voice assistants to complex algorithms used in medicine and finance.

Machines That Think and Act Like Humans

The second most popular approach (22%) among Georgian citizens was that AI refers to machines that can think and act like humans. This view is associated to the science fiction, to robots possessing consciousness and autonomy. While current technology has not yet reached this level, the idea of creating machines with human-like qualities remains one of the most discussed and intriguing topics in AI.

Strengthening Robots: AI as Mechanical Enhancement

13% of respondents in Georgia associate AI with robotics, believing that artificial intelligence helps make robots stronger and more capable through advanced mechanics. This perspective reflects more narrow understanding of AI, emphasizing its physical aspects rather than its analytical or cognitive abilities.

AI as a Tool for Solving Complex Mathematical Problems

6% of Georgian respondents see artificial intelligence as a tool for solving complex mathematical problems in fields like engineering and physics. This definition is more focused on the academic side of AI, where complex algorithms and mathematical models are applied to solve scientific and engineering challenges.

Ethics and Safety: AI as a Protective Tool

Some respondents (7%) believe that AI involves developing guidelines and principles to ensure that technology benefits people and does no harm. In this context, artificial intelligence is associated with ethical norms and standards meant to protect society from potential risks related to its implementation. AI ethics is becoming an increasingly important topic in the face of rapid technological advancements.

Uncertainty and Lack of Knowledge

Interestingly, 18% of Georgian respondents could not provide a specific answer to what AI is. This indicates that, despite its widespread use and discussion, artificial intelligence remains a complex and uncertain topic for many people. This highlights the need for more accessible education and explanations of complex technologies for the general public.

Perception of AI in Various Fields

In addition to general perceptions of artificial intelligence, the survey revealed how Georgian citizens feel about using AI in different areas of life. People’s reactions vary when it comes to the potential application of AI in tasks like driving cars, diagnosing diseases, automating labor, and assisting governments in decision-making.

Automating physical labor tasks (35%) and helping with medical diagnoses (32%) received the highest percentage of “positive” and “extremely positive” feelings. People generally approve of AI being used to simplify routine or dangerous jobs and to enhance the accuracy of medical services.

Office work automation and driving cars also received positive feedback, though with slightly lower figures (31% and 31%, respectively). People recognize the benefits of AI in office environments and transportation, but they may remain cautious about the full autonomy of machines in these areas.

AI assisting governments in decision-making raised more concerns: 24% of respondents expressed no positive feelings toward such use of AI. This could indicate skepticism about entrusting important societal decisions to machines, highlighting the need for building trust and transparency in such processes.

Survey results among Georgian citizens demonstrate that society views artificial intelligence in different ways. For some, AI represents systems capable of analyzing data and performing tasks, while for others, it means machines that can think like humans. Ethical concerns related to the safety of AI technology and its use in government decision-making also play a significant role.

Source: BESIDE 2024, 18 + TOTAL GEORGIA, N=1600